Entertainment noise

Noise Measurement in the Entertainment & Music Industry

In the UK from the 6th April 2008 the Control of Noise at Work Regulations apply to the entertainment and music sectors. Applying these new regulations is a challenging task as it requires a significant shift in both attitude and practice across the industry.

The music and entertainment sectors are defined in the Noise Regulations as all workplaces where a) live music is played or b) recorded music is played in a restaurant, bar, public house, discotheque or nightclub, or alongside live music or a live dramatic or dance performance.

Everyone involved in music and entertainment has a responsibility to help with noise management. Primary responsibility for complying with the Noise Regulations rests with the employer (may include concert promoters, event organisers, theatrical producers, contractors and publicans).

Your responsibility for managing noise exposure, depending on whether you are an employer, an employee, freelancer or self-employed, may be to:

  • Take reasonable care for your health and safety and that of others while at work;
  • Use control measures in accordance with any instructions given to you;
  • Make sure the legal limits on noise exposure are not exceeded.


Our recommended instruments forEntertainment Noise Measurements

CR:162B Optimus® Red Sound Level Meter

The perfect sound level meter for measuring noise at work. It's easy to use and measures everything you need simultaneously (LAeq, LCPeak, C-A and LEP,d)

The CR:162C offers all the functions of the CR:162B, as well as the ability to measure 1:1 octave bands for more detailed noise analysis in your workplace.

doseBadge® Noise Dosimeter

Lightweight. Robust. Easy to use. The doseBadge is ideal for making non-intrusive measurements of occupational noise on the go and in any environment.

Safety Officers Noise Kit

The complete noise measurement solution for any Safety Officer. This kit combines the Optimus Sound Level Meter with up to 5 doseBadge noise dosimeters.

More Information

Find out more

If you have any questions or if you would like any more information, please contact us and we will be pleased to help.

From the UK, contact us on 01723 891655.

From outside the UK, please contact us on +44 1723 891655.

You can also contact us via our contact form.